FashioNXT Week - 2024 (October 2024), Portland - United States Of America - Trade Show (2024)


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function (e) { return o(e) && Te[e].callback === t } : function (e) { return o(e) }; for (var a = Te.length - 1; a >= 0; a--)n(a) && (Te.splice(a, 1), r = !0); return r }, getStoredLang: ln, getLanguageName: ao, getCurrentLang: ze, polyReady: Nt, getCache: function () { return jt }, addNodes: function (e) { var t = Ft(e); return $t(t), na(t) }, search: gn, translate: function (e, t) { void 0 === e && (e = {}); var n = e.words, r = e.languageTo; if (void 0 === r && (r = ze()), !Array.isArray(n) || "object" != typeof n[0]) { var o = "Weglot.translate: 1st arg must be an array of objects"; return M.error(o, { sendToDatadog: !1 }), t && t(null, o), Promise.reject() } return r === xt.language_from ? (t && t( (e) { return e.w }))), Promise.resolve( (e) { return e.w })))) : new Promise((function (e, o) { dn(n, r, { title: !1, cdn: !0 }).then((function (n) { if (!n || !n.to_words) throw n; t && t(n.to_words), e(n.to_words) })).catch((function (e) { o(e), t && t(null, e) })) })) }, getBestAvailableLanguage: an, getAvailableLanguages: rn }; return Ae(Lt(), "polyfillReady", (function () { Ko(document); for (var e = 0, t = [document.currentScript].concat(Array.from(document.scripts)); e < t.length; e += 1) { var n = t[e], r = n && (n.src || n.getAttribute && n.getAttribute("data-src")); if (r) { var o = _a(r); if (o) return void pa.initialize(o) } } })), pa }();

Home / Trade Fair / Apparel / FashioNXT Week - 2024

FashioNXT Week - 2024 (October 2024), Portland - United States Of America - Trade Show (5)

Thu, October 10th, 2024 (Remind Me)

Historic US Bank Main Branch, Portland, United States Of America Fair Location

Exhibit Visit

About the Fair

10th Oct, 2024 to 12th Oct, 2024 at Historic US Bank Main Branch, Portland, United States Of America From the executive producer of the fashion week that TIME Magazine places as #1 in the US outside of New York Fashion Week, FashioNXT Week showcases the experience of “What’s Next in Fashion”, and is recognized by Portland Mayor as the City’s Official Fashion Week. As in every October, this year FashioNXT Week is premiering the next season’s collections of extraordinary designers on the runway in an innovative fashion experience. Extraordinary fashion designers from all over the world are joining the best of Portland in a world-class experience ideal for engaging the patrons and the media.FashioNXT Plaza is the interactive space adjacent to the runway theatre where the attendees congregate before and after the runway shows. This high energy, see and be seen space creates an exciting ambiance for product or service companies to be up close and personal with the highly desirable attendees by setting up a booth or a display. They include, fashion apparel or accessories, fashion-tech, or lifestyle brands.





Wholesalers / Dealers


Corporate Decision makers

Marketing Professionals


  • Apparel
  • Accessories
  • Fashion

Fashionxt LLC

FashioNXT Week - 2024 (October 2024), Portland - United States Of America - Trade Show (6) Company Name

Fashionxt LLC

FashioNXT Week - 2024 (October 2024), Portland - United States Of America - Trade Show (7)Contact Person

Prasenjit Tito

FashioNXT Week - 2024 (October 2024), Portland - United States Of America - Trade Show (8)Address

Daimler Trucks, North America Corp 17,

FashioNXT Week - 2024 (October 2024), Portland - United States Of America - Trade Show (9)Phone


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FashioNXT Week - 2024

Daimler Trucks, North America Corp 17,



Map & Directions

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FashioNXT Week - 2024 (October 2024), Portland - United States Of America - Trade Show (2024)
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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.