Harry Potter and The Heart Of Harmony - Chapter 9 - HarryandHermione4Life - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

There was a faint chill wisping the orange and yellow leaves in the air, playfully. It was the winds of change. October was coming to an end.
"Tomorrow's Halloween!" Hermione reminded him, exuberantly.
".... O...kay...." Harry said.
Hermione frowned at him, "What?"
Harry couldn't help but to smile at his adorable girlfriend and chuckled, "Hermione, I love your enthusiasm. But, we're not exactly kids anymore. And we're a little bit isolated here, don't you think? I mean, what do you wanna do? Trick-or-treat in the mountains?"
Hermione raised an eyebrow mischievously at him and grinned, replying with her signature sass, "Oh, really, Potter? I suppose you don't think adults can have any type of fun on Halloween?"
His emerald eyes darted around as he replied in obscurity, "What?"
"Honestly, Potter... I suppose you've never heard of adult costumes, either?"
Ms. Granger elucidated.
It finally dawned on him, as he slowly deciphered her code aloud, "Oh.... Like there might be some fun we can have with each other in adult costumes.....
..... OHHH!!!!"
She laughed, "A little slow today, are we, Potter? Been smoking some potter, have we?"
"Not lately..." Harry joked, blushing.
"Well, you better share if you've got any I don't know about..."
"K... Wait, what?"
"What? I like to have fun, too, Harry. Honestly.. But, in the meantime, I've got some decorations here," she replied, grabbing her nearly bottomless magical sack.
I wanna try to be fun for him, too, she thought to herself.
"You're telling me you've got Halloween decorations in that bloody beaded bag of yours, as well?"
"Of course, Harry."
She pulled out a long string of orange pumpkin lights, which they strung up along the interior of their tent. Then, they pulled out a slightly longer string of purple cat and bat lights, which they hung up together around the outside of the tent. Next, there was a 5 foot tall magical skeleton decoration that would dance every so often, which they stuck in the inside outer corner of the tent, a few black bats and transparent white ghosts they hung up inside, and a sinister grim reaper for the other corner, whose eyes would glow an eerie shade of red.
They sat on her bed, enjoying their work. "It looks great!" Harry pointed out, "Really spooky!"
"Yeah, it does. I'm so excited!" She admired the creepy and fun aesthetic around them for awhile.
Then, Harry shared a whimsical notion, "You know, we could use some fun lately. Do you think it's possible to conjure up some pot?"
She looked at him in an ambiguous way, not certain if she should, then she smirked, "And a pipe and a lighter? A joint probably wouldn't be a good idea up here in the woods. But, this isn't the sort of thing I do often. And nor should you, to be honest."
Hermione was right. She hadn't gotten to her prestigious career, level of power, or place in life by goofing off or being foolish, but she agreed that it was okay to have fun every once in awhile, especially near or on a holiday, and after they had just stared death in the face and conquered it, twice, within the same day! He nodded in accord and she got out her wand and conjured up a purple Bic lighter and a medium-sized triple-blown glass pipe. It was orange with slanted spirals of black stripes around it, fitting colors for the occasion, and it had a little glass cluster of Fly Agaric mushrooms (red with white spots) on the end of the pipe, just past the bowl and carb.
"That's a really cool pipe, Hermione! Brilliant!!"
She then had to concentrate for a while and eventually conjured up a plastic container full of about four grams of sticky, icky, gloriously green - lime green with little orange hairs and kief crystals - weed, which she called Pumpkin Kush OG. It smelled like sweet, citric, herby heaven!
Her magical prowess was unmatched. Harry nearly had a weedgasm as he smelled it and gave his lady much acclaim. "Hermione, oh my God! This smells fantastic! And it looks quite exceptional, too. Are you sure you haven't done this before?"
"Well, not hardly ever. I don't have a proclivity towards it. It's not a good habit to get hooked on. It inhibits your motivation drastically, and clouds your thinking. But, thanks."
"Of course. Right you are, as usual, Hermione. Just perhaps a few times a year, on holidays?"
She smiled warmly at him as he took another big whiff of the ganja. He proclaimed, "Oh, Hermione!! Oh, my goddess!"
"Harry!! Save that kind of talk for tomorrow night!" Hermione teased.
He laughed at her fun little joke, and then wondered, "Wait, why not tonight?"
Smirking, she replied, "Harry... Really. We don't have to have sex every night we're together.... And I want tomorrow to be.... Special..."
He understood completely, but joked, "Yeah, but... Have you seen you?"
She chuckled and kissed him a few times on his lips, followed by, "Thank you, sweetie."

Harry lit the evergreen bowl of whacky tobaccy with enthusiasm. Inhaling the smoke deep into his lungs, holding it for about 20 seconds, he then slowly exhaled it in a billowing cloud that gradually spread out. After some coughing and wheezing, and taking a long, refreshing drink from a water bottle, his euphoric grin spread into possibly the widest, goofiest, most idiotic looking smile he had ever had plastered on his face in his life. Hermione's turn went pretty much exactly the same.
"That was an exceptional hit..." She said as her endorphins flared and danced, her voice echoing in her head but muffled slightly to Harry's ears.
"I said that was a good hit....."
"Oh..... Yeah, that hit did....... That was a good hit..... Babe..."
They both slowly snorted with laughter.
Why was that so funny? I sound so stupid... But, gee, this feels good! I'm literally as high as a kite... Wait, not literally..... Wait, what?? Who said that?
As they made their way up the mountain for a pleasant, weed-infused hike, the world seemed to sway and spin ever so slightly around them. Things seemed funnier, the wind and leaves were louder, echoing on the mountainside like a chasm. They wobbled uphill, having to catch their balance far more often than usual, requiring the aid of branches and grass to make it five feet upwards.
"Harry, I'm gonna fall!"
"Hermione, you're like two feet off the ground there..." Harry laughed, helping her up. "Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Scared, Potter?" She teased, quickly finding her courage, as well as footing.
"You wish. I mean - Never!"
They adjusted to the strangely spacey feeling after awhile, ever so slightly, just enough to feel confident enough to trek upwards a little faster. Their indulgence, bolstered by an atmosphere of rebellion, only made the hike more enjoyable. Though there were a couple times that seemed frightening, or like one of them was gonna slip and fall to their death - the terrain seemingly more treacherous- it was fun and the vivid, picturesque scenery of nature all around them was extremely pleasing. Everything was so big, beautiful, trippy in fact, and enhanced.
"Well, this is a first for me, Hermione. And I've got to say, I quite enjoy it! ... Watch your step."
"Yes, Harry. Quite... What an adventure a simple hike could be."
They got to the top and took in the breathtaking scenery. They enjoyed it immensely as they sat on a big log, gazing out at the horizon. An eagle screeched overhead, magnificently. They caught their breath, just to lose it again as they looked at each other in admiration prior to a long, passionate kiss, holding each other so tenderly, like it was their first kiss.
Harry remembered that he had brought the fine herbs and paraphernalia with him in his pocket. She urged him to "Load a bowl! For this wonderful view!"
He of course obliged happily. A couple minutes later, they felt like they were (literally) on top of the world as they were getting higher than the clouds and subsequently snogging, baked like two potatoes in love.
"Hermione, I love you..."
"I love you, too, Harry. I'm so glad I didn't lose you..."
They continued snogging and then she lay her head on his shoulder as they held hands and enjoyed the spectacular scenic view for a long time.
The elation and debilitation of their intoxicating indulgence (as well as love) caused them to just sit there. They were not inclined to move, much less head back down, until they were (at least mostly) sober. They both figured it would feel safer that way, and they were even content in their comfortable silence up there.
After a long while, they headed back down, holding hands as long as it was safe to. Halfway down, Hermione suddenly noticed something strange and got out her wand. It was on a dark, dying tree.
"Harry! Look at this peculiar tree for a minute."
There was the unmistakable insignia of the Deathly Hallows on it. An upward line portraying the Elder Wand, which was inside of a triangle representing the cloak of invisibility, which were both connected by a circle symbolizing the resurrection stone. (Having all three would make one the master of death. Harry Potter had owned all three at one point, but currently only had the cloak of invisibility, which he told no one. It was stuffed in his box of belongings. He didn't figure he needed it lately.)
"Hmm... That's weird. Why do you think it's there, Hermione?"
"Dunno..... But, maybe we should make this tree stand out more... Glacius!" Her ice spell encompassed the tree and the symbol as an eerie flash and high-pitched whistle sounded until it faded from audible senses.
Concerned and confused, Harry took her hand and said, "I don't know what's going on, but let's get out of here."

A couple hours later, after supper and after Hermione had refilled all of their water bottles with cold, fresh spring water with the spell Auguamenti! - trying to put the strange tree out of their minds, they decided to get high again that night. It also was an excellent way to truly appreciate the now luminous lights and decorations they had put up. In truth, it turned out to be quite lovely.
After awhile, they were so contentedly sleepy, mostly from the green mood enhancer, that they decided to go to bed early. Feeling so high and tranquil, their love even felt augmented by this intoxicating feeling. They warmly kissed, snuggled and cuddled for an extra long period of time. It was probably around 14 hours, all full of bliss and euphoria.

Mwahaha! Halloween has arrived!
They awoke from their slumber like two mummies snuggling.
"Harry, load a bowl!" Hermione urged, "I want to try the - what do they call it?.... - wake and bake."
"Okay, Cheech." Harry joked.
What got into her?.... Harry pondered. I dunno, but I loike it.
"Who's she?" Hermione inquired.
"She - I mean, he - is a famous stoner... Much like you will be someday." Harry teased her.
She glared at him as he quickly loaded a bowl before she hurts me.
They thoroughly enjoyed a good morning wake up wheezing, getting more than sufficiently high before Harry had the "Brilliant idea!" of making eggs and bacon for breakfast, with a side of beanie weenies.
"Perhaps another bowl?" Hermione was determined to finish what she had created before November, a bit of bean sauce on her cheek.
Harry chuckled, "Okay, Chong."
"Who's that?"
"....... Never mind."
He saw her saucy cheek and her blank stare and almost laughed as he said, "Hermione, you've got a little....."
Blank stare, bean cheek.
"Never mind."

Three epic, hazy bowls of Pumpkin Kush OG later, Harry finally told her, "Hermione, you've got some sauce on your cheek... Think it's been there for weeks. Quite nasty."
She looked flustered and blushed, "What?.... Wh-- why didn't you tell me? Then lick it off, I demand you."
"If you insist, your majesty," Harry chuckled and licked it off her cheek.
She took one of her heavy books and smacked him, saying, "Now I've got to wash up."
"... Okay. Um. Sorry?"
She got up, got out a little black outfit and tossed Harry a pirate costume, saying, "It's fine. Just put that on as I freshen up. We might as well start off the festivities of the day already. That's why I thought we should finish my 'pot' soon. The higher the better. Early on. Later, you never know what we'll have to watch out for, it being Halloween and all," Hermione joked.
"Um... K. Sounds good."
His spaced out eyes had more color - red and green and glazed- than his face. Harry was too far gone to think clearly, let alone be loquacious right now. He implored about his sword, got it, and respectfully left the tent and changed into the pirate costume. It had an open chest with draw strings, puffy sleeves, a regal medallion with a kraken on one side and Davy Jones on the other, ripped slacks, huge gold belt buckle, and a big, splendiferous pirate hat with an exquisite blue feather. He decided the Sword of Gryffindor would be a fun addition to the costume!
Well, lacking the classical curved blade and hand guard, it wasn't exactly a pirate-looking sword - although it did have some stunning, glistening red rubies on the hilt and handle of the sword - but nevertheless it was really fun to play with the sword in a pirate costume, outside in the woods. Harry's imagination took over like he was a kid. He pretended he was a real pirate, swinging his sword ferociously, growling, "Avast ye, maties! Wherrre's me golden treasurrre!?"
"Harry! Come in here. I've got your treasure..." Hermione sang.
"What?" Harry said in a sudden normal voice. He went in the tent and dropped his sword and jaw.
Hermione was there, beautiful, sultry, curves accentuated by a sexy black, skin-tight cat costume. It had a cute little heart choker, tail, cat ears, her golden-brown hair straightened down, light but perfect black eye shadow and shiny lip gloss on, and she was showing cleavage as she got out a wand she licked and plunged into her cleavage suggestively. Harry's eyes widened as she said in a sexy, seductive voice, "Happy Halloween, Harry... Engorgio..." Hermione pointed her wand at her breasts and they grew three times their normal size! Nearly spilling out.
His heart raced as he noticed them bobble and jiggle around, as her curvy hips swayed back and forth, as she strut forward, her piercing gorgeous eyes fixed on him voraciously. He ogled her enticing outfit and figure.
She's perfect! Harry gulped. Omg! Perfect body, perfect face... He didn't even think as he grabbed them and fondled them fondly, saying, "Are these for me??"
"If you want them to be, Harry." Hermione threw her wand on the bed and kissed Harry with hot passion. His pants were doing their own Engorgio! charm, naturally.
"I don't think I can wait for tonight, Hermione..."
She giggled slyly, "I didn't think you'd be able to..." Looking at him seriously.
Whoa! Hot damn! With that, Harry threw her on the bed and had his way with her... Twice.
She had always been beautiful and sexy, but he couldn't wait to try some fun new things with them - I mean, her! Between them, the sweet weed they had to enhance everything, her beautiful face, and their love, it was the best he (or she) had ever had!
"Oh my God! You're amazing, Hermione!...." Harry managed, sweaty and exhausted.
"Thanks." She said, proudly, in her ripped cat costume, cat ears on but askew, as she loaded and lit a fresh bowl of Pumpkin Kush OG. "It's too bad you took so long to realize it."
She blew it in Harry's face and he grinned as he could see her pass the pipe through the dense fog of smoke. He took a massive rip on it and barely managed as he coughed.
"Easy there, tiger," Hermione soothed him, rubbing his back and handing him a water bottle. He took a few big chugs. They smoked the bowl down in elated satisfaction, hydrating their cotton mouth while smiling entirely too much. Then, on the last bit, Hermione took one more massive rip and took Harry's head in her hands. They kissed as she blew the smoke deep into his mouth and stuck her tongue in his mouth, sharing smoke and saliva in a sensuous french kiss, dreamy and steamy.
It was almost too much for him as he managed to say, "Okay! Time for round three!" (Which she won)

Their hands were intertwined as he held his arms around her adoringly, more in love with her than ever before, if that were possible. It almost started to scare Harry how much in love with her he was. They cuddled and couldn't move, paralyzed with happiness and laziness.
"This is probably the best Halloween I've ever had in my life!" Harry thought out loud. She smiled.
Everything went dark again. After a nice long cuddlesome nap, naturally, they finally decided to get some more food in their bodies, so Hermione hugged her pillow as Harry made a very late lunch of potatoes and peppers, with seasoned chicken and a side of applesauce.
"Reducto." Hermione reduced her chest to just over her original bust. Harry refrained from looking too sad as he stared, then caught himself and started stuffing his face.
"Well, don't look too sad, Harry..." Hermione jokingly teased him, "These are more me. They're more comfortable... They might be back if you're a good boy. But, they're not practical if, say, we have to run for our lives, you know. Same reason I don't usually wear heels."
Harry put down his plate. He wanted to assure her, "Hermione, I appreciate it. Just - I want you to know that I appreciate you, too. I've loved you long before you inflated yourself."
Hermione chuckled, eating some chicken off her fork.
He went on, "Hermione, you are beautiful and brilliant, sweet, caring, and my best friend! I love you."
"Awww... I love you, too, Harry!"
They kissed sweetly and finished lunch.

After they had finished eating, Hermione repaired her cat costume with her wand, fixed Harry's, and then decided to get out some books. Fantastic Forests and Where to Rank Them, Halloween: A History, and A History of Magic. (In case they had overlooked something)
"What really happens on Halloween?" Hermione started in on Halloween: A History, feeling particularly festive this year, reading aloud, "The Celts believed that the barrier between the spirit world and ours weakened on the 31st of October, allowing for spirits and demons to roam the earth for one night. It's an ancient tradition and one that is believed to this day."
Harry nodded in interest, glancing at the pictures, a variety of grinning, lit jack-o-lanterns decorating this page, feeling the festivities as his girlfriend continued, "An intense and persistent fear of Halloween is called Samhainophobia. Unlike today's lighthearted and candy-filled holiday, a festival of the dead was believed to be the day when the gates of Hell would open and unleash angry wandering spirits."
Just then, a whistling gust of wind blew the flap of the tent entrance angrily, flapping everywhere and lowering the ambient temperature.
"Hard not to be scared of that." Hermione continued with a wicked smirk, "Halloween, also known as All Hallow's Eve, is among the busiest nights of the year for witchcraft, wizardry, dark magic or black magic, and of course studies in the field of demonology."
After a short while, they had finished chapter 1 of Halloween: A History. Still interested, Harry took a hold of the book to continue reading it as Hermione flipped open Fantastic Forests and Where to Rank Them. It also felt quite relevant.
After a little bit.... "Oh! Harry, listen to this!" Hermione alerted him as he looked up at her, "The Forest of Dean is among one of the most beautiful and tranquil forests in England. It is also where the show Primeval was filmed. However, it is not all happy vacationers and tourists that inhabit these woods. They are the supposed home of the mythical creature known as The Beast of Dean."
She went on in wonder, "The Beast of Dean, also given the more colloquial name Moose-Pig, is reportedly a cryptid said to resemble a wild boar, Sus scrofa, of an abnormally large size. The royal Forest of Dean became a hot-spot for sightings beginning in 1802, with reports from locals of an exceptionally large wild boar, with occasional reports of felled trees, crushed hedges and fences, and a supposed 'unearthly roar.'"
Suddenly, the leaves rustled outside. They could tell it was starting to get dark out. As they started to go back to the book, Ron came in through the flap. A bit startled, they looked over at him with no words.
Harry closed his book as calmly as he could and looked back over at him, saying, "Ron? What are you doing here!?"
"Well, is that any way to greet an old friend?" Ron said casually.
As Harry got his wand off of the nightstand, Hermione started in on him, "You slept with that horrible woman that was trying to kill Harry! You're lucky we didn't have you arrested!"
"Oh, that...." Ron grinned, "Yeah... I suppose I was a bit distraught. I mean-"
"- And where, pray tell, are our children!?" Hermione interrupted.
"Oh... They're at Shell Cottage, with Fred and Fleur. I'm paying them to watch 'em for awhile. Seeing as how you guys might need my help."
"Ron..." Harry fumed, vexed, breathing shakily through his nostrils, trying to steady himself and his yearning to shout Avada Kedavra! at him, "Give me one good reason I shouldn't mess you up right here! Ivy killed my family and then tried to kill me!! With information about Hermione's address that YOU gave her!!"
"Well.... You could see how I was a bit peeved, I mean you sleeping with my wife 'n' all...."
"Not good enough, Ron! You were cheating on her before that! And I never tried to kill you or your family! Stupefy!!" Harry unleashed his anger in a very powerful red blast, shot straight at Ron with two smaller blasts whirling around the central blast with immense intensity! It sent Ron spiraling out of the tent and made the tent sway precariously before settling. True, Harry was now skilled enough to cast spells without saying any words, but (although less sneaky, swift or strategic) they were typically stronger when one shouted the incantation. Not to mention, he wanted to shout Stupefy! at the stupid git!
They followed out into the chilly evening air outside. Ron had shot a couple yards out of the tent and was lying face down in the leaves again.
Pathetic! Harry thought in repulsion. He went up and kicked Ron in the side once, as revenge for how Ron had kicked him nearly four times while he was down before.
"OWWW!! MUM!!!"
Harry laughed at that, a little disarmed.
"Harry! Really." Hermione scolded him, "He's unarmed."
He looked at her, a bit baffled, "Really, Hermione?? After what he did to me!? To us? Why do you always forgive him so easily? With like little to NO effort on his part!"
Hermione scoffed and helped him up. Ron looked dazed, flaming hair frayed, eyes crossed as he sputtered, "Mum, where am I? I don't want to go back in the chocolate lake..."
Although Ron could always be amusing, Harry felt like he could never trust him again... He couldn't believe it.
Suddenly, the tense events were interrupted by a deafeningly shrill squeal! Followed by what could only be described as an unearthly roar.
Ron steadied his balance, shook his head, got out his wand, and then looked over slightly to the right, behind him, uttering in disarray, "I think we've got more company..."
"Holy cricket!" Hermione exclaimed, "Is that the Beast of Dean!?"
It was indeed what appeared to be a gargantuan wild boar with moose-like antlers, at least ten feet high! Very long, sturdy and heavy looking. It was a combination of a majestic, grotesque and petrifying sight to behold.
With no provocation, the beast started charging right at them. It had started several yards away and was gaining on them with increasing speed as it rampaged!
"Bombarda!" Ron squawked at the giant moose-pig, letting out an explosive assault at the horrifying beast. It stopped in its tracks, squealing loudly, fur singed and irate. It quickly continued its charge. Terrified, none of them were sure what the proper spell to use here would be. Was this mystical beast resistant to magic like the giant werewolf the new couple had faced in The Forbidden Forest?
"Hermione!! Look out!!" Harry screamed as he tackled her out of the way. Right as he did, Ron was tackled viciously by the Beast of Dean. Its antlers lifted him up upon impact. His body went flying back, his arms sprawled horrifically across him when he finally landed.
"Stupefy!!" Hermione launched her own powerful shot right at the pig's rear end, making it squeal and hop around madly, snorting.
"Sectumsempra!" She launched a flash of white light at it that made it start to bleed profusely out of its sides and mouth, squealing in a terrifying way. With murderous rage, the beast decided that instead of completely trampling Ron, it would focus a new rampage on Harry and Hermione. It roared in savage fury as it charged straight at them!
Harry steadied his wand and saw the beast sprinting way too close for comfort. Without thinking of the ramifications, he tried something, yelling out, "Glacius Maxima!!"
The Beast had been frozen solid by the powerful blue ice spell, right as he was in full charge right in front of them! It had landed on Harry Potter with slightly less force, pinning him to the ground. He was only lucky that one of its antlers hadn't impaled him!
"OWWW!! FU--"
"Don't move, Harry!" Hermione quickly went over to the scene and swiftly pointed her wand at the foul, frozen beast, articulating, "Wingardium LeviOsa!"
That probably wouldn't have been possible or worth the risk while it was at full charge, Harry presumed. Still, it was impressive that she was strong enough to use this spell to lift something that was likely to be around a thousand pounds! She focused intently as she levitated it off of Harry Potter and over west somewhere, a safe distance away. She urged Harry to help as he was using his newly learned "Curaga!" spell on his ribs and body that had been nearly crushed.
He was slightly irritated as he slowly got up, explaining, "Hermione, if I could have a minute... I just had a great big bloody pigsicle on me!"
"I know! But, I can barely hold him any longer! It's lucky it seems to be weak to ice spells. But, you've got to crush it while I hold it in the air!"
Probably would be fine on the ground... but I guess she wants to take no chances and take advantage of its vulnerability.
Harry sighed through his nose and raised his wand up at the appalling creature, frozen and suspended in the air. He let out a "Reducto!!" A brilliant blue light shot out at the pigsicle and a sudden blast scattered huge chunks of ice encompassed pig-moose-beast! The deadly particles flew at them, and in all directions, violently!
Harry had half a second to react, so he had to cast a non-verbal Protego! Barrier around him and Hermione. With great luck, as well as skill, it worked. The giant firework show with chunks of potentially lethal ice bounced off the barrier and just as the fatal shower was ending, the Protego shields faded away.
There was an awkward silence, until Hermione murmered, "Well done."

Lucky for Ron there was slill a tiny bit of light outside after Hermione and Harry changed into regular clothes and Hermione got out a small wooden bench for Ron and her to sit on outside, as she hurriedly got a sling out from her magical bloody beaded bag for his broken arm. She slapped him awake and set him up on the bench tenderly as Harry sullenly sat down across the way outside to observe. She caringly cast Curaga on his cuts and bruises, as it did not do much for mending broken bones. She attended to his arm with care as Ron glared at Harry.
Harry was just sitting across the way, a few yards away on a stump, looking at them with gloomy dissent. His eyes went down with sullen discomfort.
I guess I shouldn't have thought that things would change... Harry thought with a meloncholy ache in his heart. No matter how much he tried, no matter how much he had come to love her, nor how much Ron was rude or insulting to her, no matter what he did to Harry... It didn't matter. She was always choosing Ron Weasley over Harry Potter. No matter if it didn't make any sense.
This is why no one should fall in love...
It didn't feel ordinary the way she was attending to the prick, with such care, as he was glaring at Harry Potter. They talked for nearly an hour, incoherent to Harry, and then it wasn't too long until they both went into the tent.
Harry's world began to spin as he put his head in his hands, starting to cry. He couldn't believe it...
He keeled over, feeling sick, and looked up at the stars in the night sky, remembering the nights he shared with Hermione under the stars, tears cascading down his cheeks.
He thought sadly, morosely about the song Nitesky, by Robot Koch. The vocals were a faint, low mumble of melancholy melody, with the trippy instruments an ethereal tone of misery.

No one knows..... what it's like.
You and me..... You and I.
Underneath..... The night sky--y-y-y.
You and me..... You and I.

(More tears swelled slowly, falling)

I get lost..... all the time.
In my thoughts..... In my mind.
You come through..... Like a li--high-i-i-light.
In the dark...... Give me sight.

..... If you let - my - soul out-
(-You let - my - soul out.)
You let - my - soul ou-u-out.....
It'll come right back to you-
--You let - my - soul out-
(-You let - my soul out.)
You let - my - soul ou-u-out.....
It will come right back to you...

Harry Potter and The Heart Of Harmony - Chapter 9 - HarryandHermione4Life - Harry Potter (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.