Kunoichi in the Young Justice League - Chapter 1 - AngelicSakuraBlossom (2024)

Chapter Text

"Lady Tsunade hurry up!" A pinkette called, banging on a wooden door. She wore a black halter top. She had on black spandex pants that were tucked inside high heeled leather boots. She had on a black half jacket and had biker gloves on her hands. There was a breast pocket on her jacket with a dark pink flower on it. Around her waist was a dark pink utility belt. She even had a dark pink choker. "Wake up! Today's the day!"

"I'm coming," a blonde woman yawned, exiting the bedroom. She wore a grey tank top with a long V-neck and black capris.

"Lady Tsunade, have you been drinking again?" the twelve-year-old gasped, smelling alcohol on the older woman's breath.

"I was celebrating, Sakura," Tsunade smiled, ruffling the pinkette's waist length hair.

"Hey!" Sakura gasped, slapping her hand away.

"Get that ribbon in your hair, and let's go," Tsunade smirked.

"Oh yeah," Sakura muttered, rushing off to her room.

"And grab my jacket, will ya?" Tsunade asked.

"Okay!" Sakura shouted from inside her room. She grabbed a red ribbon off of her vanity and tied it behind her bangs. She rushed out of the room and grabbed a green jacket as well as some black high heels. "Your shoes are out here! Now let's go! I don't wanna be the last to arrive!"


"Today's the day," Batman smiled, placing a hand on Robin's shoulder.

"Welcome to the Hall of Justice," Aquaman smiled.

"Oh man!" Kid Flash complained, running up to them, with Flash behind him. "I knew we'd be the last ones here!"

"Actually, you're not," Green Arrow informed him.

"Someone else is coming?" Aqualad asked.

"Who?" Robin pressed. Batman smirked and pointed behind the Boy Wonder. Robin spun around and his face lit up at the sight of the pinkette. "Kunoichi!" he gasped, running up to her.

"Robin!" Sakura smiled, jumping on him and hugging him. "It's been so long since we last so each other!"

"Five months to be exact! How's the team?" Robin asked, pulling back from the hug.

"We've split up…" Sakura frowned, her eyes travelling to the ground in sadness. "Naruto went to train with Jiriaya and Sasuke…well…" Sakura frowned and hung her head in shame.

"I'm sorry," Robin sighed.

"No, it's okay, really," she assured him, forcing a smile. "I want you to meet my new master," Sakura turned around to gesture at the busty blonde woman walking towards them.

"Lady Tsunade," Batman nodded.

"Hey Batty," Tsunade smirked back at him.

"Boys, this is Lady Tsunade, she's a healer," Green Arrow announced. "She's also a gambler and an alcoholic."

"And I've taken Sakura as my apprentice," Tsunade smiled, placing her hands on the pinkette's shoulders. "I've worked her and molded her abilities, I believe she's ready. I also resent those marks, Green Arrow."

"So you're going to join us?" Robin asked excitedly.

"Yep," Sakura nodded. "You didn't think I'd let you do this without me, did you?" she winked at him.

"Oh, Sakura, you've met Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Speedy before, haven't you?" Robin asked, gesturing to the other sidekicks.

"Yes, I have," The pinkette nodded. She bowed to them. "It is great to see you all again."

"Great to see you too," Aqualad bowed.

"I knew you couldn't stay away," Kid Flash smirked before hugging her.

"Good to see ya," Speedy nodded, shaking her hand.

"Well, if that's all, I'll be off," Tsunade smiled. "I'm not a part of the Justice League."

"Does she have to go? Everyone else gets to have their masters here for such an important event." Sakura pouted at the four superheroes.

"Don't put on your pout," Tsunade smiled. "Besides, I have to pick up Shizune from the airport before she drives herself home. Who knows what she'll do to my drinks."

"Alright, bye," Sakura smiled, waving to her.


"His name's Speedy, duh," a photographer muttered as the group walked towards the Hall of Justice.

"No, Speedy is Green Arrow's sidekick!" A woman insisted.

"Well that makes no sense," a man replied, snapping a picture.

"He's right, that doesn't make any sense," Sakura agreed, turning to the young archer. "You're an archer, why would use choose 'Speedy'?"

"Because I'm fast at loading and releasing my arrows," Speedy answered.

"I guess that makes sense now," Sakura nodded, facing forward.

"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow smiled.

"Born ready," Speedy replied.

"I'm glad we're all here," Aqualad smiled.

"Yeah, have all four sidekicks ever been in the same place at the same time?" Kid Flash smiled excitedly "And it's finally happening at the Hall of Justice!"

"Don't call us sidekicks," Speedy snapped lowly. "Not after today."

"And it's all five of us," Robin smiled, looking over at the pinkette.

"I hardly think I qualify as a sidekick. I was part of a team before this," Sakura smiled. "I was never really a sidekick."

"Exactly," Kid Flash nodded. "But, I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed. This is my first time at the Hall."

"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed why can't anyone just be whelmed?" Robin sighed.

"Ummm…because 'whelmed' means 'to cover with water'," Sakura answered nervously.

"Oh…" Robin chuckled as his cheeks turned pink. "But, you know what I mean, Kunoichi."

"I do," Sakura smirked, holding her hands behind her back. The group entered the room and Robin and Sakura stared up at the gold statues in shock.

"That could also be why," Robin told her. Sakura nodded in agreement and they stopped in front of a door. The mechanical door hissed open, revealing Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado. Martian stepped forward, looking at them all.

"Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Kunoichi, welcome," the green man greeted. When he turned his back Kid Flash and Robin bumped fists and Sakura pulled Robin closer, messing up his hair. "You now have access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course, our library." He led the group into a laptop, where Sakura promptly froze, staring at all the books.

"Plug your ears," Robin smirked.

"NO!" Sakura shouted. "I'm going to be professional about this. Who cares that I'm standing in one of the best libraries in the world! Not me!"

"She cares," Robin smirked.

"Make yourselves at home," Flash smiled, throwing his arms out. Robin jumped into a chair next to Kid Flash. Aqualad sat down across from them while Speedy stood, looking around. Sakura ran her fingers across the backs of books.

"You're drooling Blossom," Robin smirked. Sakura gasped and covered her mouth, frowning when she realized that she hadn't.

"No I'm not, Birdie!" Sakura blushed, taking a book out and smacked his head.

"Ow!" Robin shouted, rubbing his head. Sakura looked at the book before smiling and dropping herself in Robin's lap, hanging her legs off the arm of the chair. "Hey!" The Boy Wonder protested.

"Shut up, I'm reading," Sakura demanded, her eyes scanning the page of the book.

"I don't care, you're heavy," Robin groaned, trying to push her off. Sakura glared and snapped her book shut, hitting him upside the head with it.

"Bad move," Kid Flash snickered.

"I am not heavy!" Sakura shouted at him.

"I'm thirteen! I may be the freaking Boy Wonder, but you're crushing my legs!" Robin groaned, trying to push her off.

"I'm twelve and lighter than most of the things that try to crush you!" Sakura shouted at him.

"She has a good point," Aqualad nodded.

"Tell me to escape from handcuffs? No problem. Tell me to clear a pile of rubble? Easy. Kick a falling billboard away from innocent civilians? Child's play. But tell me to force Blossom out of my lap? Impossible." The boy wonder continued to mutter to himself, trying to ignore the pinkette sitting in his lap.

"Don't you forget it," Sakura smirked, turning the page.

"There's gonna be a quick debriefing on why four ice villains would attack on the same day," Batman announced. "We won't be long." Sakura didn't even give a sign of encouragement that she heard him.

"Yeah, I'll be here, not moving," Robin huffed, drumming his fingers against the chair. Kid Flash and Aqualad snickered at his misery. Sakura smirked as she turned another page.

"That's it?" Speedy growled as the heroes were finished being scanned and the doors opened. Sakura looked up, setting her book on her lap. "You promised us a real look inside, not some glorified backstage pass!"

"It's a first step," Aquaman assured him. "You've been granted something rarely anyone else gets."

"Oh really?" Speedy scoffed, gesturing to a large window, where there were visitors looking in on them. "Who cares what side of the freaking glass we're on?"

"Roy, you just need to be patient," Green Arrow told him.

"NO! What I need is respect!" The young archer turned to face the other sidekicks. "They're treating us like kids! They're treating us like sidekicks! Are you guys really going to deal with this? We deserve better!" The four teens looked at each other. "You're kidding right?" Speedy growled. "Why are you putting up with this!? Today was supposed to be the day! Step one in becoming members of the Justice League!"

"Well, yeah, I guess," Kid Flash shrugged. "But isn't step one just a tour of the HQ?"

"Yeah, except we're not in the real HQ! The Hall is just a front!" Speedy shouted. The League members masked their shock rather well, but it still showed.

"What?" Sakura hissed, standing up, and glaring at the adults.

"I knew it! None of you were even told!" Speedy shouted. "This is just a tourist attraction and a pit stop to the real HQ, through zeta-beam teleporter tubes! They go to an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower!" Green Arrow turned around to face Batman, who crossed his arms.

"I know, but I thought we could make an exception this time," the mustached man defended. Batman's eyes narrowed and he shrunk back a little. "Or no exception."

"This is not helping your case son, stand down," Aquaman demanded.

"Or what?" Speedy growled, narrowing his eyes. "You'll send me to my room like a little kid? I'm not your son! I'm not even his!" Speedy glared at his mentor. "I thought I was his partner. But not anymore." Speedy muttered the last word before taking off his hat and throwing it on the ground. Sakura gasped quietly and her eyes widened at Speedy's choice. The other males stood up as Speedy passed them.

"I guess they're right about you three, you're not ready," Speedy huffed. "And pinky isn't even a recognized hero or sidekick." Sakura narrowed her eyes and curled her fingers, raising her fists. She was about to run at him when Robin grabbed her arm. The pinkette turned around to face, her eyes narrowing in anger as he tried to stop her.

"Calm down, Blossom," Robin whispered.

"Fine, Birdie," Sakura sighed, taking a step back. A transmission came in and the screen came to life.

"Superman to Justice League, there's been an explosion at Project Cadmus, its currently on fire," Superman announced.

"I've always had my suspicions about Cadmus, this will give us a good opportunity to-"

"Justice League!" an accented voice called as another image appeared. "The Sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Atten to block out the sun." A magician like man announced. "I am requesting full League response."

"Superman?" Batman questioned.

"It's a small fire and the fire department has it under control," Superman said.

"Then Cadmus can wait," Batman announced. He pressed a button and spoke "All leaguers rendezvous at Zatana's coordinates, Batman out." He turned to the four teens and narrowed his eyes. "Stay here. We'll be back as soon as possible."

"What? But why?" Robin protested.

"This is a League mission," Aquaman answered.

"You're not trained," Flash answered.

"Since when?" Kid Flash screeched, gesturing to the costumes they wore.

"He's got a point, we've been training for a long time," Sakura nodded, crossing her arms.

"You're not trained to work with this team," Flash continued.

"There will be other missions, you'll get them when you're ready," Aquaman assured them.

"But for now, stay put." Batman glared at them, which Sakura returned full force. The League members walked out of the room, leaving the teens alone.

"When we're ready?" Kid Flash growled. "How are we ever supposed to be ready when they keep on treating us like…sidekicks!" he spit the word out in disgust.

"My mentor, my king, I thought he trusted me," Aqualad sighed in disappointment, looking at the ground.

"Those guys don't even trust us with the basics! They failed to mention the REAL HQ is in space!" Kid Flash shouted.

"I agree," Sakura nodded. "Its complete bullsh*t!" She slammed the book onto the nearby table, cracking it in half.

"Breathe Blossom; you're letting your anger get the best of you again," Robin told her.

"I won't!" Sakura shouted at him. "How can you be so calm and okay with this?"

"I'm not," Robin shouted before calming himself. "Why didn't we leave with Speedy? If they can't even trust us with that information, then what are we even doing here?"

"Beats the hell out of me," Sakura huffed, falling back into a seat. The sidekicks looked down in a mixture of sadness, anger, and mistrust, not really knowing what to feel.

"What is…Project Cadmus?" Aqualad asked after a moment.

"Don't know," Robin muttered, looking at the pinkette.

"I don't know anything about project Cadmus, but Cadmus was the mythological founder of Thebes. Legend says that he was a prince that slew a dragon. Then, he planted the dragon's teeth and created an army of armed men who began to fight to the death. When only five survived, Cadmus found Thebes with them," Sakura answered perfectly.

"Alright, well, that certainly isn't the Cadmus we're looking for," Robin muttered. "Let's find out what it truly is." The Boy Wonder smirked and strolled over to the computer, the others following him. Robin punched a few keys.

Access Denied

"This computer has no clue what Robin can do," Sakura smirked.

"Careful, I still have your electronic diary saved on my laptop," Robin smirked, pressing more keys.

"Whoa, how are you doing that?" Kid Flash stared in awe as the screen sprang to life, numbers and letters passing by faster than he could ever imagine running.

"It's the same system as the Bat Cave," Robin smirked.

"They really should have chosen a different system," Sakura muttered.

Access Granted

"And I am in just like that," Robin smirked, bringing up a file. "Okay, Project Cadmus is a genetics lab here in DC. That's it. There's nothing else. But, if Batman's suspicious, maybe we should do an investigation."

"Solve their case before they do," Aqualad realized. "It would be poetic justice."

"Well hey, they're all about justice," Robin chuckled.

"But they told us to stay put," Aqualad sighed.

"Yeah, for the blotting out the sun mission, not this!" Robin smiled.

"W-Wait? Are we talking about going to Cadmus?" Kid Flash asked in excitement. "Because if you're going, I am totally in!"

"A raid?" Sakura smirked. "Well, you will need a top notch ninja like me in the shadows." The three looked over at their dark-skinned Atlantean companion, with smiles on their faces.

"Just like that? We're suddenly a team on a mission?" he questioned them.

"We didn't come for a play-date," Robin answered.

"There's no way I'm sitting here on my ass while the adults have all the fun!" Sakura declared. Aqualad looked at the three once more before smirking.

"I'm in."

Kunoichi in the Young Justice League - Chapter 1 - AngelicSakuraBlossom (2024)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.