The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS SUNDAY DECEMBER 1 1935 i memories too of the con sex There It is said indus GIVE SPORT GITS rom Carlisle9 if you want to popular Christmas Day And socks of 11 for shoes nwi equipment have the the AS Tor' the sportsman Jet th JIAS PEAK prison Annl Carlisle LOORS! TEN CONVENIENT STORES 3P7 the the nnd for the de recently which it ft pre law been for for of be for And we equipment ns low ns balls at 25c stress strict ST JOHNSBURY AT WORK OR REPUBLICAN TICKET pucks kinds decisive who street nt SL9R each Main Main re na is in he Street Street Square at Carl beginnen $100 and I ft So many newspapers have suspended publication either voluntarily by force or through financial necessity under nazi rule tnat tneir number decreased 3 per cent in two years lexible lyer tit ill the best and keep fit with SHRINKAGE RURAL POPULATION STUDIED JI Nelson Burlington frequently who would support in who term court op WINTER PASTURE GRASSES SOWN pert a are they'll need at ft had said believed in name i Horace Corbin of Isle Horace Powers of St and irie Chadbourn" of Isle have filed tlie petitions commis of recent was the Gov called chairman of tho presided and at exercises which campaign stories PADEREWSKI HONORED ORATOR that in lo Ami WAIM MACK let Z2S1 any emergency likely to arise "the extension is granted they throw uptheir hands and permit project to lapse Members of committee are insisting that un they can be given' opportunity proper courthouse they traffic last summer oein The president visitors Mrs her greetings to two of the who had died Henry air ana a since the home Mrs Adella travel talk was Avery' Nceld in Rome and the other forms of outdoor rec revising methods of forest to encourage the growth of levying a severance tax CHARLES 149 Bowie years ton county women Sprague and Mrs Kenneth Sunderland have appeared of successful hunters this year The season closed tonight I A Bennington a few ferred Iz venworth Kan (AP) It's crowded but it be healthy for any of the residents of the fed eral penitentiary here to make a move to move Warden red Zerbst said there were 2924 prisoners 600 more than a year ago and more than at any time since the annex was opened in 1929 Good Shepherd was a slave at Little Ark and the bill of sale for purchase of her her mother? two brothers for $1300' when in the Boone Skates for the yvhole fam ily hart! toe hockey out fits for Im are featured as low as $49 1 i tubular outfits for Kiris at $498 or skates at GET HIM around the neck! was among whom the granted its tion of oratorical talents'Thc others are Ignace DasynskI former speaker of the seym Col Bogtislaw Miod zinski member of the diet and Gen Casimir 5 tor with $125 Badminton and a he has made about it It Gov Aiken is of mind and considerable Indian OrchardChicopee alla 522 Sumner Avei Thom psonville i in the world it if the petitions of Mountain Adirondack erry WILL ILL RESERVOIR AT BENNINGTON is making preparations for its an nual food donation party and Presi dent Alvin Noyes has appointed a committee to make all the necessary arrangements As usual the pound party at Sunset home brought in a generous contribution of eatabls in cluding a big turkey and canned goods At this party there was a short program which was much enjoyed by tne loo tnat attended of the board of lady Charles A Stanley in paid a deserved tribute members of the board during the banks the member of started in Spencer A given by Mrs George describing a day in musical numbers Included vocal solos by Mrs Preston Conner with Mrs Harland A Tolmrui at the piano and piano solos by Misses Lucia Johnson and Patricia Rattigan Miller of Springfield Mass' was the lowest bidder for the con struction of an overpass on the St Johnsbury and Lake road just outside the the main highway to was $26301 and it is the construction of newly ap amc com guest of the Rod and Gun club evening when the club 'a game supper and when be of the have been fall at ha rbor Darling inn at extended stay ago he was one working for the in the machine of of of Adams how Juttrick captain of the howitser company until weeks ago when he was trans at his own request to the of reserve corps suffered a shock visiting at the office of Samuel Biac kmer Wednesday iforc if or the calling of this I IL outlined the Young Republican the members were candidates but In presented to tho latter are the candidate Montpelier said that Vermonters Looking towards spring mnnv boys will be wanting baseball not give Christmas equipment sufficient possibilitv unless there 14 ai year Mrs former president the board TS92 and delightful SPECIAL SESSION LEGISLATURE IN VERMONT CALLED organized Young Remihlicnn Waterman is 35 and has rone in jjStnte politics for his years general impression seems to a Champlain rail village limits on Danville His bid expected that in the project the dangerous curve at what has always been known as the will be eliminated This is a federal proj ect and the first of its kind to be al located to St Johnsbury Others that have been mentioned are the elimina tion of the grade crossing on the Maine Central railroad at the Works bridge on the road to East St Johns bury and the Canadian Pacific cross ing near the Country club Miss Maybeile A Tompkins and Carl Collins were married Tuesday morn ing by Rev Thomas Burns the ceremony being performed at the Colonial apartments before only the members of the immediate families The bride Is a teacher in our public schools and Mr Collins has a position with the Cary Maple Sugar company After a short wedding trip they will return to St Johnsbury and live in the Colonial apartments That iron bars do not make a cage was successfully proven a short time ago when Raymond Dionne sawed his way out of Hie Caledonia jail with a hack saw which had been furnished him by William II McLaughlin who it to the prisoner some weeks ago One night Dionne sawed two liars in a room in the upstairs corridor and then made his escape Sheriff rederick A lint located him in Maine and he is now in the state prison Windsor with a long sen tence ahead of him In municipal court the past week McLaughlin who a St Johnsbury boy was brought into municipal court and sentenced by Judge A Norton to serve from two to three years in the state prison at Windsor Local under the direction of Mrs Ruth Hess will present three plays at uller hall next Tuesday evening as the monthly program of the club The 22d annual older con ference held at St Johnsbury the past week under the auspices of the state A had a total registration of 505 and was one of the largest held in recent years A happy sur prise was the addition to the speak ing list of red Dustin now living in Morrisville who gave a thrilling account of some of his hazardous ex periences on the Byrd Antarctic ex pedition Mr Dustin commanded the Jacob Ruppert and also piloted one of the airplanes and ran a tractor At the union Thanksgiving service of the Protestant churches at the 5695 Then ski harness' 50 Bass ski hoots st and ski poles socks cans etc We are ing White Monntain kl clothing for women ns Winter sports enfhnsiasts know they can find all the best equipment isles bkls sell as low of debt Conant of St Johnsbury 'pledged the support of this organization to the party in the impending cam paign Congressman Charles Plumley of Northfield criticized the administration for its orgy of spend ing declared the work reiief of Over four ybillion dollars neither worked nor brought relief and said the con stitution should be changed by the people and not by the supreme court the President or by Congtess The Thanksgiving season has stimu lated the spirit of giving and the re cent clothing drive sponsored by the Rotary club brought two tons of cloth ing of many kinds to the amily Wel fare society Coming just before the winter season this will be very useful to many families The Kiwanis club (684 Stale street Monday afternoon at I Burial In Oak Grove cemetery: Km land Vt patters please copy of Burlington to Port Doug to operate it all steel rivet spriroximately 160 feet and 34 feet witie with a carry capacity of 10 ears each to be propelled by Diesel engines The boats will cost approximately $40000 each rank Essirk for several years 1 club aeent in Orange county has been added to the staff of the extension service of the University of Vermont and State Agricultural col lege as assistant state boys' and club leader His work will be par ticularly with clubs Mr Essick comes from Pennsylvania where was brought up on a grain and dairy farm He is a graduate of Pennsyl vania State college has had exper ience in managing a farm and has been 4 club agent for eight years in Michigan and New York iiit to bn Exhibited Vermont will have an exhibit in the national fruit show to be held at Hart ford Ct December 10 to 14 The Vermont exhibit will be prepared by the State Horticultural society with the cooperation of the commissioner of Agriculture and the State publicity service The work of preparation has been assigned to a committee consist ing of A Dwinell of Montpelier Julian Dimock of East Corinth: Darrow of Putney: Hayward of Bennington: Anderson of Shore ham: Sherman Allen of pair Haven and Prof Cummings of Burling ton Burlington has at last realized a dream that has been in the hearts of airport enthusiasts for years The municipal airport is now equipped with a revolving beacon light which will guide aviators traveling at night It is the only beacon light on an air port in Vermont The beacon can be seen for at least 20 miles tests have revealed thus increasing the safety factor for night flying over this area Burlington will be one of the bases for air maneuvers from ebruary 1 to 15 by the United SUvtes army air corps it was announced tills week Tlie Idea is to give the pilots a taste of New England winter at its worst in order that they may be prepared for The other important base in this area will be at Concord that 60 planes 75 officers and 250 men will participate in the maneuvers Approximately $13'9500 is being dis tributed in Christmas club checks In Burlington today The checks are going to about 4000 person i The av erage Christmas club savings during the year has been $47 member The membership this year is the largest on record Economic conditions have improve! so greatly in Burlington during recent months that it is difficult to find enough unemployed men on the relief roll to undertake new WPA projects which are under consideration Tho reason seems to be that the mills in Burlington and Winooski are operat ing with a larger force than for a long time past if the knit lived from cap earl die leaves a widow and four make a good choice if a Kadasch tie! And the name means something to him! ine silks moires twills repps and silk knits in tlie colors and jvatterns men for themselves! And the price tie your Christmas Budget up in knots I all right for a man if from importance the past few though it 1 to VI quickly at the coming night the address was de by Itev Horsfield ras of Mhe Shaftsbury ish and club 'one of the several county when he laid special stress the Observance of fish and laws The annual onr sea son for deerr is in progress and the commissioner impressed upon his au dience that the hunter ho killed a doe was ruining his own os He cited the open season for both sexes that prevailed in 1909 1915 and 1919 and furnished statistics to prove that hunting suffered not only in the fol years for a number of The names of two Benning county women Mrs Harolc Wilcox of in the list 329 BRIDGE ST Stearns sa or 35 Years Radasch Has Been Recognised As ths Store of Quality sled They and the new Mreumline designs are ily snanpr 1 lexinle sell ior 53 50 Other sleds 1 sell for as low SI 25 In the small size np popular latter job Jt Is under for at torney general is Sterry It Water man of St Johnsbury in the lime light jast now as president of the newiy far But the lie that Jones will decide to Im candidate for reelection and that It he is he will get the nomination and election State Senator Wills speaking to the Burlington Lions dub this week stressed the need for a state research laboratory for the purpose of devel oping the natural resources of Ver mont He took as his subject "Con serving red Martin collector of Inter nal revenue states that Vermont is recovering from the depression more rapidly than the average state In proof of this statement he said Ver monters paid 45 per cent more in federal income taxes for the period ending June 30 1935 than for the period ending June 30 1934 The increase for the country as a whole close collabora ilsudski discussed for the property club and on build a series will be the here night he i and industrial waste de of east and west roads state and one central south road Candidates Awakening Politics is beginning to stir mildly around the state particularly since tho announcement of the special ses sion of the legislature Such a ses sion is always a fruitful period fcr boosting candidacies It is pretty generally believed that Gov Charles Smith will be a candidate for election although definite statement known that Lieut a recipient frame has been doing considerable travel ing during the past few months both to make public addresses and to meet people personally The state press generally takes the position that he is very likely to be a candi date The name of (Joi Jackson' publisher of the Daily News has been mentioned as a candidate attract much Democratic the primary since he bolted the Re publican camp and came out actively against Senator Warren Austin a year ago If the Democrats en tered the Republican primary and voted for him it would give him quite a boost toward nomination on th? Republican ticket It is reported that the Young Republicans who re cently organized in force in Vermont have proposed the name of Judge Deane Davis of Barre as a possible candidate' for It is not definitely known whether he as pires the office Thus far no names have been mentioned seriously ni possible Democratic candidates for governor Among the names most prominent ly mentioned thus far as possibilities for Republican nominees for lieuten Wills Sen Wa the I the 1548 1208 Winchester West Springfield East Springfield Headquarters Motes district CCC headquarters moveii from Montpelier tq io oe nearer the West Springfield tBnnrdman) Henry Berry ot West Springfield I cnincii at 230 cha'ge ot the was only 35 per cent or the last quarterly income tax installments which fell due September 15 1935 Vermont showed an increase of 84 per cent over a similar period in 1931 while the Increase In the en tire count! was 708 per cent in miscellaneous federal taxes Vermont was running 20 per cent ahead of the country's average for the period ending June 30 1935 Mr Martin De clared be begun before' December 15 To attempt to comply with these condi tions in the 'space of 15 days is im posing so much of a task upon mem bers of the committee that a ma jority has been advocating an ap for an extension and they even go so far as to state that un less uture football lieroea will want tn sfnrt Willi a pain ing football one nt SI 95 Tor $590 for a to build a prefer to be relieved of the responsi bility The tained that no difficulty will be ex perienced in the necessary county bonds at a low rate of inter est but they are indisposed to be re? sponsible for an obligation on the public with a fiasco looming on "the horizon particularly as some of them have political aspirations Dr 13 unter tht pointed Vermont fish and missioner is to be the Bennington Wednesday is to serve plans will velopment bought bv is proposed to ing pools It second visit date Tuesday principal speaker at the annual meet ing of the Shaftsbury Game units upon upon them in the not during freezing the state interscholastic championship by defeating High 6 to 0 playing on field at Norwich university Mrs Mary Ge Nye has prepared a history articles of historical inter est in the state house It will be ready for publication about the first of Jan uary and will be issued in an edition Gov Smith ails to Say Which of Many Erner gcncies Inspired Action purchased all supplies and tools order to finish the work beforew ter it has been necessary for uuura io use ns tunds $1200 ginner rackets tennis rw ket committee has Of this board i if seven Dr is the oni Warsaw (AP) Ignace Paderewski four Polish leaders 'to academy of literature gold laurel in recogni 200 Attend Rally at Pythian Hall Almost Year Before Election rom Our Special Correspondent St Johnsbury Vt Nov On the theory that the early bird catches the worm the leaders in Vermont of both sexes and all ages have started the campaign to bring out if possible next November the largest vote ever cast and the largest majority for the Republican ticket Vermont has the unique distinction of being the only state in tho Union that has never elected a Democratic governor or Democratic presidential electors since the Republican party was founded So almost a year le fore the election the Republican county committee sponsored a rally for the party workers and cooper ating were the state committee the town committees in Caledonia county the county women's organization and the Young Republican club as rep resented by the Vermont chairman Sterry Waterman Two hundred women and men at tended the rally which opened with a banquet at Pythian hall served by the Pythian Sisters A Humph rey of Jynaonvuie county committee the postprandial opened with a few by Arthur Stone brief talks were given by John Davis of Chelsea chairman of the state committee and Lieut Gov George Aiken of Put ney Mr Waterman purposes of the club statin not interested the issues to voters If the and courngeou ever may be will bring the Re publican back to power 1 tzenjamin Gates of state auditor could have got along better in the depression if the federal government had kept out of the picture He Xermonters were independent nin'fls vnii rn mliov a uuiancco uurlget and keeping ieprosenting organizations clot Ilina by nmilifl iv box Our you in the bridge was be Unsafe Brookfield of about 17000 copies The Legislature authorized the piepaiatiun of this his tory of the paintings statues and other articles of inteiest Tlie book about 31000 words in length contains detailed infoi ination never before com piled describing the three capitol buildings which have housed the Ver mont state government and providing infoi mation which will be of value to Vermonteis as well as to tourists from other states To the city of Burlington will go the honor of having one of the most modern inland boats named after Green company inc are gi anted by the pub lic service commission at the hearing on December 9 Under the above cor po rate Grand A Ibans Grand with the public service commission for permission to operate streamlined femes from the port across Lake Champlain lass If allowed is the plan to build two less ferries long ing that nr A '4 ex 1 1 equipment at John Buttles of will preside at the of Bennington yiing onTuesday his second official visit in Bennington in seven years Judge Buttles was last assigned to this court in 1929 when he presided over the sensational hearing of the Edward Everett will case The term opened at the usual date and continued for four months a record session The will' contest consumed three months emergencies made enactment of certain laws im perative He did not say whatmeasures he thought should be acted Kipon but among those Which have lieen proposed are vninruinu ttlnH pmending the law relutin VI If 11 I ffl ll 111 I ll 11 1 beginners or hlrh school hoy Helmets and hrii1der pAh iitflrt low $100 Then for indoor winter jipnrt we are offering! for $295 at rik a jpg bfijr115 complete with 'platform for $395 boxing come tax legislation necessary or Ver mont would lose a considerable amount of Its revenue from this source: But after the supreme court adjourned until December 9 without returning a decision Gov Smith de cided to call the special session for Decenilier 10 In connection with the legislation on cooperation with the federal govern ment for retirement of submarginal land the issue is whether the state desires to amend the law passed Last spring which provides that any sub marginal land purchased in Vermont by the federal government must be leased by to the state of Vermont for a period of 999 years with the option to purchase it any at the price paid for it by the federal government Differences of opinion over this law have resulted in the Resettlement ad ministration closing its office in Ver mont on the 15th after taking options mt some 25090 acres of Lind and in forming tne state authorities tnat would be impossible to make any pur chases of this land until the Vermont law is changed so that a lease can be agreed upon which will protect the policy which the Resettlement admin istration has outlined for this land The federal authorities insist that it shall be specified that the state if It buys back any part of a tract shall epurchase the whole tract so as not to leave the federal government with the poorer section while the state takes the better part Also the federal offi cials insist that it the land is taken back by the state it shall be continued ns public land and not returned to pri vate control There is about $300000 of immed iate funds available for this submar ginal land program in Vermont with another $1300000 of prospective funds likely to become available if plan of operation can be worked out which is agreeable to both parties With this money it is proposed to relieve 46 families vvhich are anxious to get off this poor land and devote the land to recreational uses This money will be held for Vermont until ebruary 1 it is said but no promises will be made beyond that date To Check Population Beeline The Vermont state planning board reported to the New England council last week some definite suggestions for stopping the decline of population in rural areas especially the decline in the younger elements in the pop ulation In general it is proposed to promote better community organ ization and education particularly for young people to increase the mileage of farm to market roads increase the distribution of electricity to farms and thus make life on the farm easier and mcne attractive de velope recreational possibilities pro mote new industries based on local natural resources or materials or local skills The planning board reported that since the railroads are the chief method of transportation to get Ver mont products to market thought shouM be taken for the welfare of the railroads Better and more in tensive use should lie made of the Champlain valley farm lands The "Vermont label should be more widely used and more placed on the value of the grading of farm products Suggestions for promoting trial growth include a study of the slate industry to determine if new products new markets or processes could revive the industry: studying the possibilities of developing or at tracting additional industries In order to promote greater recre ational development the planning board suggested preparation of areas in suitable locations along the main roads tet provide for camp ing and rention taxation timber rather than a property tax on grow ing timber clearing up streams which have been polluted by domes tic sewage velopment across the north and tlie 20111 66 wife 632 ly outfit nt $293 And wrs have nil the equipment to srn ixt4 11 lham frr htvv nd irl toque wweatrr Legislature to meet on Tues Atty afternoon and died a few hours later in the local hospitals He was a na five of New York and following the close of the World war was a relief worker the Baltin Rtatns he met and married Martha' also a relief worker daughter late Pratt Bennington goods manufacturer He had in Bennington since returning Europe He was commissioned tain of the howitser company in young children Superior Judge Middlebury December county will be some good bpnkiingr equip ment Kroflite or Topfiite Golf Ball at 75c each Par flites nt 50c Birdies at 3 for $IOU or maybe a Bobby Jones Iron ftt $500 If he need a new bnsr we have ecune specials at $500 that have Ieen much more Get him a new jkport sweater or pair of Spalding Golf Shor We ran help you pick out the gift choose himself Idabel Okl Scores of farm ers among them former Gov Wil liam Murray have sown pasture grasses to establish permanent win ter pasture in this vicinity Yellow top clover Dallas grass and deza are the favored varletiesy bocKHOing i great port Mith a strand hardwood tohogmn the 0 ft wire aells for 598 and ft she $798 1 I to $350 I HikHwuv Doaru i by Brookfield residents the bridge was on a was also one of the proaches to Bear Hill orest nark Beinsr th its kind interested supporters boosted the project as a companion attraction to Bear Hill The bridge will have 'a 12 foot lane for highway traffic and a sidewalk on either side WPA Art Program Pierre Zwick Burlington artist has been named Vermont supervisor of ederal art projects under the Works Progress administration Efe weus technical adviser for the state under the ERA Mr Zwick said it is planned to arrange a statewide exhibition of all the work done in Vermont in the arts and crafts not only by the un employed but by commercial people and hobbyists as well In this wav their products can be shown and sold and atthe same time give the public an Insight into what is being done by Vermonters A few needy artists in the state may be put to work with PA funds on easel paintings ermont life and scenes osters will be drawn for public institutions in the state to aid them in their educa tional work Emphasis however will be placed on the arts and crafts es pecially instruction in weaving metal work wood xverk block printing de sign and lettering Vermont people may have a chance to market their handicraft products on a cooperative basis under federal supervision Miss Marjorie Luce regional director of home economics for the Resettlement administration states that an investigation Is being made into the possibility of a coopera tive organization open to men and women It tvill undertake to collect and sell through central shops on consignment to smaller distributors If sufficient interest is shown it is possible that something can be done in time to promote a Christmas sale with the products going to some such center as New York Two victims of motor vehicle acci dents in Vermont during the past 10 fatalities for the year thus far to 35 The 84th victim was Cyril Under wood 27 of Claremont who was struck i by an automobile at Springfield Vt and received a com pound fracture of the skull The 85th victim was Wilfred Provost 21 of Burlington who died as the result of a fractured skull received in a motor vehicle accident in Milton Because Anatole Trottier of Hart ford was convicted of driving an au tomobile while undr the influence of liquor the Vermont liquor control board has revoked his second class liquor license The Montpelier police' tagged some 50 automobiles found in the streets at night in violation of the ail night parking ordinance The 50 owners appeared at the police station the following morning and all were given xvarnings It is planned to keep re peating tne roundup with more se vere penalties it the practice is not stopped One reason tor the close checking juat now is because it Ls difficult to clear the streets of snow at night when cars arc parked at the curb Lanier Homestead Sold The Lanier homestead recently sold by Harry Shurtleff administrator of the? Eliz a Lanier estate to the American idelity company Is said to be one of the oldest houses in Mont pelier Records of its ownership go back to 1825 The company plans to remodel the Interior of the house leaving as many of its fine archi tect uai features as possible The ex terior architecture will remain un changed At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the Vermont Department of the American Dcgion held at Mont pelier it was voted to bring home for the Christmas holidays the Vermont veterans at Suinnionut Y' who are able to travel Adj Leslie Wilson reported a membership of 1854 the largest ever reported at this time of the year Only seven out of G2 posts have failed to report memberships Comdr Timothy Dale announced his appointment of otficers and com mittees Spaulding high school of Barre won football Windsor a frozen TEXAS OLK SONGS BEING RECORDED Pan Angelo Tex (AP) olk songs of the west Texas frontier aie being collected by John A Congressional library curator once a Bosque counts youth and later re' istrar and secretary! ofthe Uni ver sity of ''Texas Planning Board Suggests Several Remedies Can didates for High State Of i ficc Begin to Appear North Congregational church Wed nesday li ered tor of the Unhersalist church Robert McVicar and his sister Mrs Marion landers who spending the summer and Peaks island in Portland have come to the Lyndonville for an More than 0 years ct three young men Pmsnmnslc railroad shops or on locomotives and all of them rose to high positions in busi ness life Mr McVicar for many years held a responsible position with the Standard Oil company Charles of Boston and son of a vet eran railroad engineer recently re tired as the president of the excur sion agency of Raymond fc Whit comb and the third of this trio Is Daniel Willard of Baltimore presi dent of the Baltimore Ohio rail road A high honor has come to a native son of Wheelock Guy A Aldrich of Milwaukee in his appointment of executive secretary of the newly formed central area of the A which embraces the stales of Minnesota North Dakota South Da kota Wisconsin and Iowa As secre tary of the Wisconsin Yr A he will retain that position and keep his office in the Milwaukee associa tion building or the past 10 years he has been state secretary of Wis consin and before going to the Mil waukee was for six years executive secretary of the central branch of the Rochester (N Y) association His new area includes 50 city asso ciations 30: students associations three state boys' camps and over 150 clubs and other organizations spon sored by the JI A Other sons of Wheelock who have risen high in their profession include Principal Mathewson of Lyndon institute Justice William Taylor deceased of Hardwick and a member of the Vermont supreme court and the late Rev Dr Ozora Davis president of the Chicago Theological seminary The water case at Tyndon between Scott arnunl and wife owners of the system and Avery Bigelow has been amicably adjusted The ar nums shut off the supply because of back rental and the public service commission ordered the service re stored Avery is now working for the water company to pay his overdue account with a gurantee from town his rent veil! be paid ba ki tackle boxen baits boots bats and oats lor fishermen and Ininters will like our hugt Ing i compasses cleaning rods nml hunting imxnaK shells I aid your selection able it is apparent that the voir will have cost not much than the estimate of $45000 labor has been provided from fed eral funds while the water board has In in the tn rmv prvx operation of a power shovel and to hire a numberoftrucks Construction has been going on for ngarlv two years having begunlate in Decem ber 1933 Tlie addition to the sys tem has been the outstanding proj ect undertaken here under the 'work relief program of the federal gbv ernmnt it will assure storage to eliminate the V4 I Ui UI 3HUI 1 should develOD a situation to ail records of precipitation in the history of Vermont During the ex treme drouth a half dozen years'ago the community was not only serious ly inconvenienced but there were a number of nights with the old reser voir drained to the bottom on which the village was without fire protec tion The springs and surrounding prop erty were given to the village' by the late Bradford in 1929 for the put pose that has now been eralized It was the accomplishment of the plan He was a member of the board of water commissioners at time the system was given to the villa se by the late Henry XV Putnam in i i Ross now president survivor Although the voters towns or Bennington countv for the construction of a' new House nere Bennington 4 ills il XI all gaged to prepare plans uie ultimate success taking is beginning that youthful Enabling baseball gloves from SlOO up biisballs from 25c $100 baseball suits in 3 10 nr 12 year sizes nt $198 bats mitts masks and lines It will he 100 it Spalding equipment News and Comment of Interest to Vermont Readers nf fhp uneral arrangements! 1n Graham funeral service Thompsonville papers please 1 KEATING In West Warren the 2'Jlli 4 John Keating 66 years of 19 Chapelstreet West Wnrren funeral from hishome Monday morning at followed byrequiem high mass at St Thomas churchwest Warren at Buriatin St Thomas cemetery Palmer Loftus yrvfc 1 1 In this city the 3Uth Miclia I Landirs uneral from the home 803 Care street time tu be announced 1 riends Invited Sampson service ant governor are William of Bennington president of the ate? and Charles Adams terbury former president Senate and now chairman House judiciary committee is said to be more interested ever in whether Lawrence Jones of Rutland plans to run again for attorney general for Adams would peeler stood Another suggestion I Tennis enthusiasts will be pleased with a new Spald ing racket See our large selection from $500 be out the county Mrs Davi 1 in the 17 voted court and a 1 architect has been en doubt as to of the under Ovic rv 1 i toe in tut: rmnas of members 'of the buildin committee appointed by the Legisla ture last winter Tlie act provided a grant must be obtained from the federal government and the grant to the extent of $45000 was approved However the approval was accom panied with a proviso that a contract oust ug'e oeen iet and actual Our Special Correspondent Montpelier Vt Nov 30 IThat leu Smith this Week the long expected special session ofthe Legislature to meet on Tues day December 10 In his call he paid that many it In Ludlow the 29th EteHe uller wlk of the date Warren I uller in her 8Ut year Serves from the hnm? of her on Warren uller In uller street Sunday at230 tho Townsend officiating Inter rnent at Ludlow Center cemetery George Damon director I In th Ciii tho 27th Gortrude Gray 36 of 41 Orleans street uneral I services from funeral home 6hl State street Sunday at 2 rn Burial In it Sprinrtiel cemetery unemployment assistance tg to er with the federal government in the matter of retire inent of subinarginal land increasing ahe appropriation tor state ata Schools state appropriation Bridges across the northern iart Lake Champlain appropriation to used with exrutcted federal funds isew buildings at state institutions at (Waterbury and Brandon aid for mothers and dependent and crippled children amending laws relating to Che buildings and loan associations Referendum on the Green Mounainparkway Although it has been pos sible by careful planning in advance to keep special sessions of the Ver nont legislature down to a mat ter of one very busy day in whiqh only matters of vitalwere considered during wears' it now looks as Mould be impossible Snnrtprs Special session May Iat A Week If any one of the above mentioned knatters starts a real discussion as it pnayr the session is sure to be pro longed into ti week or more It isprobable that recognized neces for a state unemployment com pensation law to enable Vermontemployers to get credit on their fed eral taxes for contributions to astate fund is the determining cause Ifor the calling of this special ses sion although a number of the causefor the calling of this special ses sion although a number of the othermatters mentioned have been calling crxrrirk HmP tlOl 't toll 4V11 vr 4 Since Vermont completed the maiations for paying the oldbenefits as authorized by the iat Rnrine there has much demand for a special session to Jamend the law so that state funds thren hrIUnfA 5 useu ihvou the voting of federal fundslaw now reads the state pay old age until are voiea io nuttiu l' It is expected that the IO Sliiit WUXI the expectation be made av or But Water Board Probably Will Not Let Water Into Mains Until Spring rom Our Special Correspondent Bennington Vt Nov Before frost begins to penetrate deeply the valves will be opened and Benning ton's new 1000000 reservoir will be filled in older to protect the basin through the winter but it is not like ly that water will he permitted to How into the system until next spring Within a few davs mem bers of the board of water commis sioners have become conscious of the fact that the Bennington system was built in 1836 and that the mains and many of the laterals have been in ground for more than half a century Because of its location the new stor age prodives pressure of about 20 pounds arpl the commis sioners have been acquiring the sus picion that some of the old pipes may not endure the strain In such event they prefer that the work of 4kpa4X DC Aurucci spring and weather While all figures are not yet avail reser more The In G1 uat Barrington the Cora A Wriuht widow nf George Wright Jr runvr iH at tn' par the Dickinson company' State St Springfield Monday Interment at Oak Grove cemetery In this city 27th Antoinetta Man £go 30 uneral at the home 39 Manhattan Monday at 315 a High mass of at Mount Cannel church 9 a tn Burla I In St cemetery rank orandere funeral director i In this city the 28th Waiter iStnlth Pease of 33 West minster street uneral at the parlors of the iDlckhiaon I Streeter company 303 307 State strevt Sprincfield Sunday at 3 Interment at fOk Grova cemetery TIES from Radasch Pled In this city th 27th Mr 85 years of 61 Everett street vices at funeral borne icould be mending As the annot I tfcdcral tunds rare funds iil Ho made now '4 paying the benefits January 1 4 fhr nnr SLtlLtJ LIAX1 1 orlorn! flintlSC tollable some time in January re tn ehriiarv Building and loan associations are reeking amendment of the laws relat 3ng to their operations so that they Hnay make loans on the same basis that banks are now making ttiem un the federal housing act The build in and loan associations claim they been discriminated against in up the state laws governing'this subject and one of the associa tions has threatened to apply for afederal charter which would relict eit from operating under state laws Jit these laws are not made more fay orable i Income Tax Legislation The date of calling the special ses sion hinged largely on the United States supremo court decision in tne tax case an actionwhich invloves the constitutionality the Vermont income tax law Anadverse decision would majenewin 1 In Chicopee all the 30th nvilliam Daley of 31 7 Broadway un" 1 from John Shea funeralparlore Chl cnt 'd alla Tuesday atollowed by solemn hieh mas of reqnrem let St church at 9 Burial In cemetery West field I in this city the 2th Paul I (Dittrich 71 years of 119 Massachusetts etvenue uneral services at Byron funeral fliome SSI State street Sunday afternoon at350 In this city the 28th Annie 1 (B dgood) Dunton 65 years wife of Charles11 Dunton nt the home of her daughterMrs Wrn A Donovan of 13 Euclid ave fnue uneral at funeral chapelSunday afternoon at230 Burial in Hill cre re Park cemetery The 6th have been i Waterbury struction on the Little River dam Transfer of the at my corps office will leave only a supply company at Barre and one company at Middle The Barre comnnnv will re main at the present station indefi nitely while the Middlesex company is being moved today (November 30) The 6th distiict headquarters Ji vt been located at Montpelier since June 27 1933 when flood control con struction was begun in the Winooki valley Completion of the East Barre Wrightsville and Clothes Pin dam and the transfer of the J' CCC com panies to the Little River project necessitated tho change In head quarters rom now on all com panies in this area will be concen trated at Camp Smith in Waterbury except the Barre supply company ix grade crossing elimination projects and 12 highway improve ment jobs included in the Vermont works relief program have been ap proved by federal engineers at the Albany office The approved grade crossing projects are: Essex two St Albans Hartland Emerald Lake crossing at Dorset and St Johnsbury Highway projects have been approved for Wallingford Essex Poultney Troy Bristol Alburg Albanv Ben son Salisbury Panton Pittsford Hubbardton The town of Brookfield has re ceived assurance of being able to maintain its unique position as the only town in the country boasting the ownership of a floating bridge The state highway board has in formed the Brookfield town officials that the state will pay two thirds of the $10000 post of a new flouting span and the town officials have ac cepted the offer Bouyed up by 300 barrels the new bridge plans call for a structure 320 feet in length of Which 260 feet will float and 30 feet at each end will be the approaches or ramps wnen closed to cause of representatives petitioned the emerg ency board turned down that proposal but referred the town officials to the highway board It was pointed out that although town road it principal ap in Allis State only bridge of AUNT OWN IDEAS ON HOLIDAY Rusk T( Aunt Edna 2 once a Negro slave has her own idea about "goo'i for the holidays No mqjiern food she': said could compete with sausage pounded to perfection in wooden mortars or stall fed becfpickled in the old time way She has sfond memories too" of the breast of ild tyrkey sliced and dip ped in meal and fried like fish sne Rock the purchase of her her and two brothers for $1300 was seven is nnRpcirin nf Tica UVOCIV LJVVUCf granddaughter of the purchaser Wil liam Roark for (7 ft s' tTlj' I A i worK 8 i I 97 I i ib' ft' I H' I I 1 I maw boyS lit $225 ft pfh row inxf fnft everything to 'J I are I 1 I I a I '1 I 51 5 IM nd kli 'J TTjZKi t1 Wz fi r7 7jrw 5 1 rprnim 11 $705.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.